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Oracle® Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Help
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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Linking Views in Master-Detail Relationships

To link views in master-detail relationships, you must define the master view and the detail view.

For more information on master-detail linking, see "What Is Master-Detail Linking of Views?"

Defining the Master View

To define a view as a master view:

  1. Create or edit the analysis whose view (or views) you want to define as the master view.

  2. For the column that is to be the master column, in the "Analysis editor: Criteria tab," click the Options button and then select Column Properties. The "Column Properties dialog" is displayed.


    You can also click the More Options button in the Layout pane and then select Column Properties to display the "Column Properties dialog."

  3. Click the "Column Properties dialog: Interaction tab."

  4. In the Primary Interaction box in the Value area, select Send Master-Detail Events. The Specify channel field is displayed.

  5. In the Specify channel field, enter a name for the channel on which the master view sends master-detail events. You can use any appropriate name, for example, Sales Analysis Channel, Channel 1, or channel 1.

  6. Add the view to use as a master view. Note that any view that you add that includes the master column can be used as a master view.

  7. Click OK.

Defining the Detail View

To define a view as a detail view:

  1. Create or edit the analysis whose view you want to define as the detail view.

  2. Create the view that is to be the detail view, for example, a graph.

  3. Edit the view.

  4. Click the view's Property button on the toolbar of the view's editor. For example for a graph, click the Graph Properties toolbar button in the Graph Editor. The view's property dialog is displayed, for example, for a graph, the "Graph Properties dialog."

  5. In the "Gauge Properties dialog: General tab" (for a gauge), the "Graph Properties dialog: General tab" (for graph or funnel graph), the "Map Properties dialog: Interaction tab" (for a map), the "Pivot Table Properties dialog" (for a pivot table), or the "Table Properties dialog: Style tab" (for a table), select the Listen to Master-Detail Events box.


    If the map view cannot find the detail feature with the master value, a warning message, "No data to display for ID: nnn" is displayed.

  6. In the Event Channels field, enter the name of the channel on which the detail view is to listen for master-detail events. The name must match (including case) the name of the channel on which the master view sends master-detail events. (For more information on the channel in the master view, see "Defining the Master View."

  7. Click OK.

  8. In the "Layout pane," drag the column (or columns) to be the detail column (or columns) to either the Prompts drop target or the Sections drop target as follows:

    • If the detail view is a pivot table or table, then drag the column or columns to the Prompts drop target.

    • If the detail view is a graph or a gauge, then drag the column or columns to the Prompts drop target or to the Sections drop target, whichever you prefer, unless the graph or gauge has a column on the Prompts drop target. Then, you must drag the column or columns to the Prompts drop target.


      You must drag and drop all detail columns to the same drop target. You cannot have some on the Prompts drop target and some on the Section drop target.

      For more information on drop targets, see "Understanding Drop Targets."

  9. (Optional) If you dragged and dropped one or more detail columns to the Sections drop target, then select the Display as Slider box.


    With graphs, in order to listen for master-detail events, the detail column must go into the Sections drop target, which then creates a slider in the analysis or dashboard. In graph views that are part of master-detail relationships, if you want to simplify the appearance of an analysis or dashboard, do not select the Display as Slider box. In this way, you can choose to not display the slider that is created to accommodate a detail column.

Example of a Table and Graph Linked in a Master-Detail Relationship

In this example, a table, Regional Sales Master View, is linked to a graph, Regional Sales View Detail View, in a master-detail relationship.

About the Regional Sales Master View

The analysis for the master view contains the C50 Region and 1 - Revenue columns. The 1 - Revenue column is set up as the master column as shown in Figure 3-33. The view that was added to be the master view is a table.

Figure 3-33 Example of Defining a Master View

This image is an example of the populated screen.

About the Regional Sales Detail View

The analysis for the detail view contains the C50 Region, P4 Brand, and 1 - Revenue columns. The view that was added to be the detail view is a horizontal bar graph and is set up to listen for master-detail events on Channel1, as shown in Figure 3-34.

Figure 3-34 Setting up to Listen to Master -Detail Events

This image is an example of the populated screen.

The C50 Region column is set up to be the detail column. This was done by dragging and dropping the C50 Region column to the Graph Prompts drop target in the Layout pane as shown in Figure 3-35. (Notice that the C50 Region column is then displayed on the page edge in the table.)

Figure 3-35 Example of Setting up the Detail Column

This image is described in the surrounding text.

How the Master-Detail Linking Works for Regional Sales Master View and Regional Sales Detail View

When a user clicks on the cell that contains the revenue for the AMERICAS region in Regional Sales Master View, the view sends a master-detail event on Channel1 and passes the master-detail event information of C50 Region = AMERICAS.

Regional Sales Detail View, which is listening on Channel1, receives and reviews the master-detail event information. It determines that the C50 Region column matches a column on its page edge, updates the page edge to AMERICAS, and refreshes the entire view as shown in Figure 3-36.

Figure 3-36 Master-Detail Relationship: Regional Sales Master View and Regional Sales Detail View

This image is described in the surrounding text.