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Oracle® Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Help
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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Action Options dialog: Invoke Action tab

Use this tab of the "Action Options dialog" to:

For more information, see:


Run Confirmation

Use this box to specify whether to display a confirmation prompt to users when they run the action. The confirmation prompt includes the text that you enter, a Yes button to run the action, and a No button to cancel the running of the action.

Select this box to display a confirmation prompt and then enter the text of the confirmation prompt in the field to the right. Deselect this box to not display a confirmation prompt.

Dialog Title

Use this box to customize the title of the dialog that is displayed to users when they must supply action parameter values.

Select this box to customize the title and then enter the title in the field to the right. Deselect this box to use the default title Invoke Action.

Action Help Text

Use this box to specify the text of the dialog that is displayed to users when they must supply action parameter values.

Select this box to specify the text and then enter the text in the field to the right. Deselect this box to use the default text Enter the values for action parameters and execute.

To embed a URL link within the text, use the token @{URL}. The URL link is substituted for the token.

Link URL

Use this box to specify whether to display a URL link below or within the text of the dialog that is displayed to users when they must supply action parameter values. This enables you, for example, to display a link that navigates to a URL that provides more information about the action being executed.

Select this box to display a URL link below or within the text and then enter the URL in the box to the right. If the @URL token is embedded in the text, the URL (or URL label if provided) is displayed within the text. If the token is not embedded in the text, then the URL (or URL label if provided) is displayed beneath the text.

Deselect this box to not display a URL below or within the text.


Use this field to enter the text to display for the URL link.

Execute Button Text

Use this box to customize the name of the button that is shown on the dialog that is displayed to users when they must supply action parameter values, and that users click to execute the action when they have supplied parameter values.

Select this box to customize the name of the button and then enter the name in the box to the right. Deselect this box to use the default value Execute.

Open In New Window

This box is available only for actions that navigate to related content, such as Navigate to a Web Page and Navigate to BI Content actions.

Use this box to specify, for an action link that navigates to related content, whether to open the link in a new browser window or new tab (if the browser supports tabs). Select this box to open the action link in a new browser window or tab. Deselect this box to open the action link in the same browser window or tab.


The setting you specify for this Open In New Window component determines the default value for the Open Link in New Window box in the "Action Link Properties dialog," but only when you select a named action for the action link that you are adding to a dashboard page.

Successful Invocation Message

This box is not available for some action types.


For an Invoke a Web Service action, you can use the "Action Options dialog: Action Results tab" to customize a dialog to display information to users about the results of the action, if the action executed successfully.

Use this box to customize the message that is displayed to users when the action is successfully executed.

Select this box to customize the message and then enter the message in the field to the right. Deselect this box to use the default message Action invocation was successful.

Invocation Failure Message

This box is not available for some action types.

Use this box to customize the message that is displayed to users when the action is not successfully executed.

Select this box to customize the message and then enter the message in the field to the right. Deselect this box to use the default message Action invocation was unsuccessful.