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Oracle® Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Help
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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Search pane

Use this pane to find objects by name, directory location, and type (agents and scorecards, for example). This pane enables you to quickly locate the objects that you need.

For more information, see:

This pane is part of the "Catalog page."



Use this field to enter the full or partial name of the object or folder to find. You can enter an asterisk (*) in your search string to perform a wildcard search where the asterisk (*) specifies zero or more alphanumeric characters within a search value.

In the Search pane and in the Search field in the global header of Oracle BI EE, you can enter text and you can use "glob matching". "Glob matching" refers to the syntax that allows you to search for and match a pattern within an object name. Table E-6 describes strings that you can use with the "glob syntax" while performing a basic search.

Table E-6 Using glob Syntax in Search Criteria

Search String Entered Result


Searching for "a" simply matches all strings that have an "a" occurring any where in them.


Searching for "îa" only matches all strings that begin with an "a".


Searching for "a$" only matches all strings that end with an "a".


Searches explicitly for strings containing a character followed by an asterisk (*) for example, "a*".


Simply matches any one character. For example, "b?t" would match bat, bit, but, bet, and so on.

[] or {}

Not recognized by search.

To match any of the glob special characters themselves ('î$*?'), you must precede the character with a backslash. A backslash escapes a glob special character. For example, to exactly match the string "cost*units", enter a search string of "îcost\*units$".

To find an exact match of characters, include the appropriate characters at both ends of the search string. If you want to find the file called "a", then enter a search string of "îa$". Otherwise, you obtain a list of every file that includes the letter "a" anywhere in its name or description.


Use this list to select a folder in which to search for objects:

Administrators can search for all user and object folders in the catalog root directory.


Use this list to find only certain kinds of objects. For example, reports, dashboards, or KPIs.

Search Filters area

This area displays if Oracle BI Enterprise Edition is configured to use Oracle Endeca Server.

Use this area to filter your search results by object attributes such as location, object type, author, and so on. When you select an attribute, the "Catalog area" refreshes to display the filtered objects. You can apply multiple filters by selecting more than one attribute. For example, you can limit your search results by a specific author and object type.

When you select an attribute, that attribute is removed from the attribute category but displays in the header of the pane. You can remove a selected attribute by clicking the corresponding red "X," or you can click Remove All to remove all of the selected attributes from the search results.