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Oracle® Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Help
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)
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New Condition Step dialog

Use this dialog to create a condition step as part of working with selection steps.

For more information, see "Working with Selections of Data."

This dialog is also displayed as:

Edit Condition Step dialog


Condition Type

Use to select from a list of condition types for the specified dimension column. The following list describes the categories of condition steps that you can create. The components in this dialog differ slightly, depending on which type you select.


Use this box to select the type of action to create for the members that the condition step specifies. You can select to add the selected members to the selection, keep only the selected members and remove all others, or remove the selected members from the selection.

Use the box beside the action type to select the column for whose members you are creating the condition step.


Use this box to select the attribute column on which to base the condition, when created condition steps of the type Match, All X Values where Y = values.


Use this area to select the operator, based on the type:


Enter the number of time periods, such as 3, when creating condition steps of type Time/Ordinal.

Time Period

Select the column value on which to base the condition, when creating condition steps of type Time/Ordinal.

Rank or Range

Enter the percentage to use for the rank or range, such as 5, when creating condition steps of type Exception or Top/Bottom.


Enter the value to use for the comparison, when creating condition steps of type Exception.


Enter the string to use for matching with the members, when creating condition steps of type Match. Select Match Case to provide case-sensitivity for the matching.

Override with

Use this box to specify that an analysis prompt, a dashboard prompt, or a variable can override the values that you specify in this condition step. Depending on what you are overriding, you can override certain values with a prompt, a presentation variable, a session variable, or a repository variable.

If you select a variable type, then enter the name of the variable in the field. For example, suppose that you have a column called EMPLOYEE_ID. You can specify USER as the session variable with which to override the value of that column. When a user logs in, the column value is set to his login name. For more information on variables, see "Using Variables."

In a list of steps for a column, specify that only one step in the list be able to be overridden by a prompt or presentation variable.

For information, see Chapter 6, "Prompting in Dashboards and Analyses."


Use this list to select the name of the measure column whose data values you want to compare, when creating condition steps of type Exception or Top/Bottom.


Use this area to qualify all of the dimensions of the analysis other than the dimension whose members you want to select, when creating condition steps of type Exception or Top/Bottom. For each dimension, you select which of its members to include. You can select specific members, or All, which specifies to aggregate the members when creating the condition. For example, suppose that you are qualifying the Region dimension. You can select a specific region, such as East, whose value is used in the condition. If you select All, then the values of all regions are aggregated and used in the condition.

You can use the For area to create a qualified data reference (QDR). A QDR is a qualifier that limits one or more of the dimensions to retrieve a single value for a measure column. A QDR is useful when you want to temporarily reference a measure column value without affecting the current status of the dimensions. The following is an example of a QDR:

Add members of Total Products (Rgd Sk Lvl) where "A - Sample Sales"."Base Facts"."1- Revenue", For: Cust Segments Hier: 'Active Singles', 'Baby Boomers' is greater than "A - Sample Sales"."Base Facts"."1- Revenue", For: Cust Segments"

When you specify a QDR, you can specify multiple members for limiting the dimensions. When you specify multiple members, the measure column value is aggregated using the default aggregation from the Oracle BI Server. For example, suppose that you want to create a condition for displaying those Regions in which Units is greater than 100. Suppose that you create a QDR for the Year dimension that specifies 2000 and 2001 and that the default aggregation is Sum. If the values for 2000 and 2001 for the Central region are 50 and 60 respectively, then both those years are displayed, because their sum exceeds the 100 units that was indicated.


Use this list to select either addition or subtraction, to enter the number and to specify whether the number is a percent, when creating certain condition steps of type Exception.

Match in

Use this box to select the part of the member to match when creating condition steps of type Match. Options include any label, member ID, long label, medium label, and short label.


To create a step that is based on a hierarchy, use the "New Hierarchy Selection Step dialog."